The Western Australian government has announced that community consultation is now open for new bus routes along the Yanchep rail extension to help ensure the public transport needs of Yanchep and its surrounds are met.
“Community feedback will help shape the way new and amended bus routes will be introduced to the area and support the needs of the growing population for years to come,” WA transport minister Rita Saffioti says.
“The new bus network will underpin additional transport choice for residents in Perth’s rapidly expanding northern fringe, especially with the Yanchep rail extension starting passenger service in the coming months.”
Expanded services in the region will be introduced to Catalina Estate in Tamala Park, Amberton Estate in Eglinton and Capricorn Beach Estate in Yanchep.
Proposed services for both the Jindalee and Alkimos areas will be subject to the completion of surrounding road network, while services will also extend further north to serve the Atlantis Beach Estate in Two Rocks.
The bus network will be introduced upon completion of the Yanchep rail extension project. Timetables for the train and bus services in the area will become available before passenger services start.
“The consultation underway will be important to the final bus routes, so I encourage anyone with an interest to take the time to review the proposed routes and provide feedback,” WA member of Butler John Quigley says.
Consultations and feedback will be open to the community until February 16.