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WA Labor pledges to slash fares and abolish zones if re-elected

WA Labor has pledged to abolish the nine-zone transport system if re-elected and introduce a flat fare of $2.80 across the entire network

Western Australian commuters could soon be saving money on public transport, with the Labor government pitching one flat fare across buses, trains and ferries to anywhere in Perth.

WA premier Roger Cook revealed a re-elected Labor government would drop the two-zone fare to the same as a one-zone trip, meaning that a SmartRider fare from the city’s outskirts would be capped at $2.80.

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Cook says the change would bring financial relief to up to 80,000 people who travelled two or more zones on a typical weekday.

The reduced fares would take effect from January 1 next year, estimating to cost Labor $107 million.

“If re-elected, a WA Labor Government will abolish the old nine-zone system and permanently put in place a single suburban flat fare,” Cook told reporters at Joondalup train station.

“The most you’ll pay to get around our city with a SmartRider is $2.80, from Yanchep to Mandurah, Ellenbrook to Fremantle and out to Byford.

“This policy will save regular commuters around $625 a year. There’s more than 80,000 Western Australians who travel two zones or more on our trains and buses every day.”

When asked if WA would participate in a cheaper system such as QLD’s 50-cent fare trial, Cook says his offer was a “responsible and affordable package.”

“You can always debate whether it should be this or should be that,” Cook says.

“I think it will be appreciated by all travellers across our Metronet system.”

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