Archive, Industry News

TWU to quit bus safety committee

Queensland’s TWU has turned its back on a bus safety committee due to frustrations with its management

February 28, 2013

Queensland’s Transport Workers’ Union (TWU) has turned its back on
a bus safety
committee due to frustrations with its management.

The union has announced it
will not attend the Bus Safety Industry Committee’s
meetings after today.

TWU State Secretary Peter Biagini
says the union
has been silenced at the meetings, set up by the former State Government.

Biagini says Assistant Transport Minister Steve Minnikin has prevented the union from discussing violence and abuse on drivers, and bus fires.

“This meeting was setup for a very simple reason, to discuss bus safety and to ensure clear outcomes were agreed upon, measured and achieved,” Biagini says.

But Biagini says since the last meeting there have been four bus fires, which have not been on the meeting agenda.

The TWU will announce its resignation to Minnikin at today’s meeting.

“How many drivers need to be bashed and hospitalised, and why are they waiting for someone to die to act?” Biagini says.

Biagini says it will continue its campaign against the State Government.

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