Australia, Bus Industry News

Regional coaches recognised as V/Line celebrates 40 years

The BCSV has recognised the role Victoria’s regional coach network has played in the ongoing success of the V/Line network

Earlier this week, V/Line celebrated 40 years of operating across regional Victoria, with the Bus and Coach Society of Victoria (BCSV) crediting the replacement and regional bus and coach networks behind the service.

On a post on its Facebook page, the BCSV credits “the underdog of its (V/Line’s) success” in the coordinated coach network that helps link smaller towns.

A network of road coaches have been used throughout V/Line’s history to keep regional and isolated towns connected by more than just a car trip.

The majority of these V/Line coach services were introduced from the mid-1970s to replace lines that progressively closed due to reduced passenger numbers and the rising costs of using rail for passenger trips rather than freight movements.

“Arguably, the savings made by replacing quieter railway lines with coaches subsequently allowed for the progressive service increases and line upgrades on train services to the main provincial cities that many now take for granted,” the BCSV says on its Facebook page.

“Over the years, a roll-call of operators have operated contracted services meeting trains from Melbourne at various stations, with dedicated vehicles wearing distinctive uniform V/Line colour schemes that have been refreshed alongside changes to the corporate look and train liveries.”

The BCSV also celebrated the 70th birthdays of former presidents and brothers Michael and the late Peter Kane.

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