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OTSI announces investigation into Hunter Valley bus crash

OTSI has launched its own independent investigation into the Greta bus crash that claimed 10 lives

The Office of Transport Safety Investigations (OTSI) has announced it is launching a transport safety investigation into the fatal bus crash at Greta in the NSW’s Hunter Valley region.

The crash, occurring on June 11, resulted in 10 lives lost and many more injuries.

OTSI, under the Transport Administration Act 1988, is empowered to investigate rail, bus and ferry incidents, saying it will now initiate an investigation into the crash.

The OTSI acting chief investigator has announced the investigation in accordance with the provisions of the Passenger Transport Act 1990 and the Marine Safety Act 1998.

For the Greta bus crash and the rollover of coach 4666MO, OTSI will investigate the sequence of events leading up to the incident, the road design, condition, signage and visibility, the passenger restraint devices onboard and their usage, and vehicle conditions.

OTSI is also looking into the vehicle’s crashworthiness and survivability, emergency exit access, awareness and operability, and operator accreditation alongside safety management systems.

Unlike other investigations, OTSI’s is independent of any investigation or inquiry that a regulator, NSW Police or coroner may undertake into the incident.

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OTSI acting chief investigator Kerry Russell says the aim of the investigation is to enhance transport safety by sharing safety lessons and insights with those organisations that can implement actions to improve safety.

“OTSI uses a ‘no-blame’ approach to identify and understand contributing safety factors and underlying issues. It does not assign fault or determine liability in relation to the matters it investigates,” Russell says.

“On completion of this investigation, a report will be published and tabled in the NSW Parliament by the Minister for Transport.

“Information on the role of OTSI, its investigation approach and the scope of the Greta investigation is available in the Interim Factual Statement – Rollover of coach 4666MO on the OTSI website.

“OTSI extends its deepest condolences to the families, friends and communities of those impacted by the Greta crash.”

As this matter is under investigation, no further comments will be provided at this time by OTSI.

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