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On the spot fines

Victorians using public transport may soon pay on the spot fines as legislation is set to change

November 6, 2013

Public Transport users may soon pay an on the spot fine if they are caught without a valid ticket if legislation changes are approved.

The legislation process is now underway and Public Transport Victoria have begun discussion with operators to start the initiative in early 2014.

Minister for Public Transport Terry Mulder says the on the spot fine will speed up the ticket enforcement process, freeing up authorised officers to check more tickets, more often.

“Fare evasion is a serious issue and costs Victorians around $60 million a year,” he says.

“Honest commuters would rather see their fellow fare cheats pay up.”

Mulder says if everyone pays their way more money could be invested into the public transport network.

“The current infringement process requires heavy administrative support, and an on the spot fine will be quicker and easier for both passengers and administrative processes,” he says.

“On the spot fines will allow authorised officers to process offences quickly and efficiently and allow them to check more tickets and catch more fare evaders.”

The on the spot penalty fare will be $75 although the current $212 fine will remain in place for certain offences and situations.

One of the benefits of the new system is passengers won’t be required to provide their name and address to the authorised officer if they pay on the spot.

The on the spot penalty fare will be $75, while the current $212 fine will remain in place for certain offences and situations.

Where customers cannot, or chose not to pay the on the spot penalty fare, the existing infringement process and higher fine applies.

While the proposed legislation will provide a legal framework, Mulder says all parties would work together to come up with an easy, efficient and practical solution for authorised officers.

“We are committed to ensuring the introduction of on the spot penalty fares is as seamless as possible for Authorised Officers,” Mulder says.

“But we are equally committed to driving down fare evasion, and on the spot penalty fares will act as a significant deterrent to those thinking of travelling without a valid ticket.

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