Australia, Bus Industry News

NHVR backs TfNSW Bus Safety Week

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has come out in support of NSW’s annual Bus Safety Week

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is throwing its support behind Transport for NSW’s (TfNSW) Bus Safety Week. 

NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto says the regulator is committed to working alongside TfNSW to educate all road users and make bus safety a priority. 

“Since 2018 there have been 48 fatalities from bus crashes in New South Wales, with an additional 252 people also being seriously injured in crashes involving buses,” Petroccitto says. 

“NSW has one of the largest bus fleets in Australia, with almost 4,000 buses operating in Sydney, another 1,000 servicing the Newcastle, Wollongong and Blue Mountains areas and 3,000 in rural and regional NSW. 

“Like all heavy vehicles, buses cannot stop as quickly as light vehicles. 

“With so many buses operating and providing important services on roads across NSW, it’s critical for all road users to understand the road rules and drive safely around them.” 

Advice from the NHVR on driving around buses includes maintaining a safe stopping distance from a bus, leaving sufficient distance to allow a bus to change lanes, being aware of its blind spots, giving way to buses turning into traffic and not overtaking them. 

Yesterday saw the start of TfNSW’s seventh annual Bus Safety Week, with the campaign taking place until February 25. 

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