In global news, Isuzu Motors has become a new signatory to an agreement involving five other companies that will focus on using digital transformations, such as in autonomous driving services, to elevate regional public transport.
Isuzu has signed on with the likes of Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Chuo Kotsu, Aisan Technology and A-Drive for the project, which will focus on autonomous driving services in Kanagawa Prefecture’s Hiratsuka City in Japan.
Isuzu says its recent work to address logistics and mobility related challenges in the digital transformation sphere aligns with the autonomous driving project, with Isuzu’s shared goals being to find a logical step forward for autonomous bus transport.
As part of the agreement, the six signatories will commence a self-driving bus proof of concept in Hiratsuka City that can help the local government improve regional public transport.
Through close collaboration, Isuzu and its partners are hoping to revitalise Japan’s regional communities by offering new-age public transport services that can be convenient, accessible and sustainable.