Archive, Industry News

Emerson lays blame for poor parking near public transport

QLD Transport Minister fails to take onus for parking needs near public transport in Nundah despite public pleas

March 21, 2013

Queensland Transport Minister Scott Emerson has failed to commit to providing more parking close to public transport in Nundah, Brisbane, despite public pleas.

petition, tabled by Emerson late last week, called for more parking facilities to allow people to transfer from cars to public transport
on Nundah’s north side.

Almost 150 people signed the petition that requested the State Government to work with the Brisbane City Council to provide a parking facility
to minimise parking demand on local streets and school communities.

But in response to the petition Emerson failed to commit to a facility and instead blamed the previous government for a lack of parking in the area and a lack of funding for more parking.

“I note that the previous Labor government had a policy to ban additional park ‘n’ ride spaces within 10km of the Brisbane CBD, this includes Nundah,” Emerson says.

“The Queensland Government recognises that there is a high demand for parking across the Translink network. However, due to the significant debt left by the previous Labor Government, funding of new park ‘n’ ride facilities is very difficult.”

Emerson says the State Government is working hard to restore the state’s finances so more money can be directed to better infrastructure and services for Queenslanders.

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