Archive, Industry News

Federal Government to scrap F3 to Branxton upgrade

The Federal Government’s decision to scrap the F3 to Branxton Link Road in NSW is "is a betrayal of the

The Federal Government’s decision to scrap the F3 to Branxton Link Road in NSW is “is a betrayal of the worst kind”, according to Nationals leader Warren Truss.

Minister for Transport Anthony Albanese told Parliament today the Federal Government will not implement the Coalition’s $780 million commitment to upgrade the road because the plan did not “add up”.

Truss says he was surprised when Albanese revealed the Government’s plans because now Minister for Defence Joel Fitzgibbon promised before the election a Rudd-led government would “absolutely match” the Coalition’s commitment of $780 million to complete the Link Road.

Truss accuses Labor of breaking its election promise and Fitzgibbon of breaking his word.
“As soon as he became a minister, he sold out his constituents,” Truss says.
“This is a betrayal of the worst kind.”

“This broken Labor promise is a devastating blow for the people of the Hunter, and I predict it will be remembered bitterly for years to come,” Truss says.

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