If you want to be like June’s winner in Daniel Clarke with his magnificent shot of his Clarke coach, start sending in your Best Bus photos now for July!
It’s that time of the month again as entries officially open for ABC’s Best Bus photo competition for July!
With many finalists and honourable mentions complementing our June winner, there’s lots of rivalry in this growing competition!
The winner for June was Daniel Clarke courtesy of his beautiful photo of his Clarke coach in Broken Hill.
For his winning entry, Daniel has his photo shown as the ABC Facebook cover photo for all of June while also receiving a free 12-month subscription to ABC magazine.
RELATED ARTICLE: ABC shows off Best Bus June winner
If you want to win like Daniel has, now is the time to once again submit your best bus photos for our July competition!
To get involved and have the chance to win or become a finalist and have your photo published in ABC magazine, fill out the form below to register your details.
Once you do this, we’ll then reach out via email so you can submit your photo and be in the running for ABC’s July Best Bus competition!