Australia, Best Bus, Bus Industry News

Entries now open for ABC Best Bus May

The opportunity is now open to submit your photos for Best Bus May and try to rival Paul Taylder’s winning ‘Big Bird’ photo

ABC’s Best Bus competition is beginning to see an even wider range of entries flying in, with bus and coach drivers showing off the many different experiences they’re having operating in Australasia.

Following April’s Best Bus winner, Paul Taylder, and his marvellous shot of a yellow Terranova Tours Scania bus called ‘Big Bird’, entries are now once again open to rival this great photo for May.

Best Bus, sponsored by VDI, is now officially open for May entries, with the industry able to submit their best photos below and follow Taylder’s April efforts.

If you want to be like Paul and take home Best Bus for May, you’ll receive a free 12-month subscription to ABC Magazine while also having your winning photo on display as ABC’s Facebook cover photo for the entirety of May.

To get involved and be in the running to win Best Bus May, fill out the form below to register your details and interest by the end of April.

Once you’ve done this, we’ll then reach out via email so you can submit your best photos and enter in the running for ABC’s Best Bus May!

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