Transport management solution ECoachManager has announced the launch of a free version of its transport management system.
ECoachManager Lite is a scaled-back iteration of its system, tailored specifically for marketing and expansion purposes.
ECoachManager Lite has been customised to cater to small business’ needs in the transport industry that are seeking to optimise their marketing strategies and grow their business at no cost.
Including all of the core marketing features of ECoachManager, the Lite version focuses on boosting customer satisfaction and streamlining booking processes.
The free version allows operators to assess and test the capabilities of the ECoachManager system.
“As part of our commitment to fostering growth and innovation, we are pleased to offer a complimentary test drive of our revolutionary system,” ECoachManager CEO Mark Bond says.
“ECoachManager Lite serves as a free trial of the ECoachManager ecosystem, designed to streamline marketing and grow your transport business.”
Key features of the Lite system include a customised booking link for straightforward customer enquiries, the Lite management admin system and customer response automation and centralised customer data.
It also includes a user-friendly and customisable interface to suit various business models, minimal training requirements and further customisation if required.
ECoachManager Lite customers will be able to upgrade to the complete solution at anytime, which includes a driver app, a calendar planning tool, language translation, e-commerce payment compatibilities and many more.