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Bus operators recognise workforce on International Women’s Day

Women working at Busways, Transit Systems and CDC have been recognised as part of International Women’s Day

Australian operators Busways, ComfortDelGro Corporation Australia (CDC) and Transit Systems have recognised their female workforces on International Women’s Day. 

Busways says this year’s theme, Count her in: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress, aligns with its commitment to empowering women across diverse roles. CDC says the women within its organisation have made a key contribution across its operations. 

Busways head of HR Alanna Ward says the industry has come a long way in terms of gender diversity in the workforce, but there is still a journey ahead. 

“Our consistent focus on increasing the representation of women across our divisions saw an 11 per cent rise in female employees over the past year,” Ward says. 

“We’ll continue this work into the future to provide equal opportunities for women to develop their capabilities and excel in learning, earning and leading.” 

Transit Systems people and culture general manager Tanya Smith says the operator continues to advance gender equality within its workplace and the industry. 

“We believe in equal opportunities for career advancement for all employees, irrespective of gender,” Smith says.  

“We will continue to implement targeted programs and initiatives to support the professional growth of women within the organisation, including leadership development opportunities and training initiatives.” 

CDC Northern Territory operations supervisor Deanne Brown says she’s enjoyed making a difference within the industry. 

“After 20 years of working in this industry I still love my job. I still have the passion I had when I first started,” Brown says. 

Busways Wauchope depot apprentice heavy vehicle mechanic Drew Mianta says she’s always had a fascination with vehicles and how they function. 

“The first six months were challenging as I had no prior experience in heavy vehicles, but with the support of my colleagues I learned the process and found my feet,” Mianta says. 

Busways Penrith depot manager Georgette Golding says she’s enjoyed being part of the industry and the company, having started at its Campbellfield depot more than 40 years ago. 

“Over the years we’ve had fun times and sad times, and we always support each other,” Golding says. 

“I enjoy the quirky nature of the various personalities you come across when driving, we have people from all walks of life.” 

CDC NSW bus driver Donna Ball says she’s also enjoyed being a part of the organisation over the past nine years. 

“When you look in the mirror and see everyone looking back at you, it’s a high,” Ball says. 

“It’s even better when someone thanks you and tells you what a great job you’ve done.” 

Transit Systems subsidiary Go West’s quality manager Rebecca Seinemeier says the industry is starting to change. 

“I’ve seen it firsthand in my 18 years here at Go West,” Seinemeier says.  

“I am proud to be part of a company that is committed to encouraging women to achieve equal participation in the mining and transport industries, which are typically male dominated.” 

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