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Bus chaos at Sydney Airport

Bus and coach drivers parking up near Sydney Airport targeted as traffic problem escalates

Buses parking up on the approach to Sydney Airport are contributing to traffic chaos, resulting in sweeping changes to traffic regulations, the New South Wales (NSW) Government announced recently.

A 24-hour clearway has been created on Marsh Street between the M5 East and the international terminal, to reduce congestion caused by parked cars and buses waiting to collect incoming passengers.

NSW minister for roads Duncan Gay is confident these immediate relief measures and the creation of a dedicated Airport Traffic Coordination Committee will help reduce traffic congestion at Sydney Airport.

“It is totally unacceptable that people are missing flights or are sitting in traffic for way too long trying to get to Sydney Airport and we have to do better,” he says.

“Projects like the internal airport road upgrades, widening of Marsh Street and Joyce Drive, and WestConnex will transform the way people use the airport in the next few years, but we have to get the network working as best we can now.”

Electronic message signs on Southern Cross Drive and South Dowling Street will encourage motorists to use alternative routes when appropriate and the Police Motorcycle Response Unit will be deployed to help guide traffic when necessary.

“Importantly, it is also essential we improve communication between the traffic managers and Sydney Airport,” Gay says.

“I’ve established a team of experts – the Airport Traffic Coordination Committee – which will be responsible for setting up a more detailed action plan to manage traffic flow and prepare for busy peak periods.

The Airport Traffic Coordination Committee includes representatives of the NSW Police, Sydney Airport, Transport Management Centre and Roads and Maritime Services, with its first meeting is scheduled later this month.

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