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Berejiklian to face bus operators

NSW Transport Minister Gladys Berejiklian will face bus operators at BusNSW's management seminar in Manly

April 4, 2013

New South Wales Transport Minister Gladys Berejiklian
will attend the BusNSW Management Seminar to address bus operators eagerly awaiting news on service contracts.

BusNSW Executive Director Darryl Mellish says Berejiklian is the big draw card for the event to be held this month at Manly, Sydney.

“Despite some testing times for the industry we are pleased the minister has agreed to participate in the seminar and inform delegates about NSW government initiatives, including the implementation of the Long Term Transport Master Plan and changes to Passenger Transport Legislation,” Mellish says.

“Outer metropolitan and rural and regional operators are obviously eager to find out how and when the government will negotiate their next round of contracts.”

Mellish says the seminar’s theme, Adapting in Dynamic Times reflects the need for industry to adapt to changes driven by government, technology and the community.

During the seminar, Mellish will give an industry report focused on new challenges, opportunities, and the metropolitan contract tender process.

University of Sydney Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies Director David Hensher will present the pros and cons of benchmarking under different contracting regimes.

Former Australian cricketer and ABC commentator Kerry O’Keeffe will entertain delegates before lunch, and Bus Industry Confederation (BIC) Executive Director Michael Apps will update operators on the Moving People – Solutions for a Liveable Australia report.

A panel session featuring industry suppliers will also cover global trends in bus manufacturing to give operators insight into future vehicle types and production in Australia, before a final panel session dubbed, Contracts, Costs and Compliance – where is the industry heading?.

Bringing the event to a close,
a beach-party-themed seminar dinner will take place in the ‘Grand Ballroom’ on Saturday evening.

The seminar event will be held April 26-27 at the Novotel Sydney Manly Pacific.

The annual BusNSW Golf Day will be held April 26 at the Warringah Golf Club.

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