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Auditor-general to table report on Sydney bus contracts

This performance audit will assess the effectiveness of Transport for NSW’s design and management of metropolitan Sydney bus service contracts

A new report assessing the effectiveness of Transport for NSW’s (TfNSW) design and management of metropolitan Sydney bus service contracts is expected to drop tomorrow, courtesy of the NSW Auditor-general Bola Oyetunji.

Aptly titled ‘Bus contracts in metropolitan Sydney’, the audit will focus on the nine regions where services are provided under the Greater Sydney Bus Contract.

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Bus services in metropolitan Sydney are provided by private operators under contract to the NSW government, with the contracts worth an estimated $4.8 billion

The audit will examine whether TfNSW is effectively managing the performance of contracts held by private bus companies to ensure contractual commitments are being met, with a focus on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) relating to customer experience.

It will also see if TfNSW has designed an effective governance regime to underpin the performance management of bus contracts in metropolitan Sydney, and demonstrating that contracts are being managed to deliver value for money.

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