Archive, Industry News

Apprentice wage review on hold

Wage review for apprentices and trainees on hold until expert panel releases proposals for reforms to apprenticeship system

By Brad Gardner | January 31, 2011

A wage review for apprentices and trainees will likely be stalled until the second half of the year, Fair Work Australia has announced.

Justice Geoffrey Giudice has decided to delay the review until an expert panel presents its proposed changes to the apprenticeship system to the Federal Government.

The Apprenticeships for the 21st Century Panel’s findings are expected to be released early this year and will cover wages and payment terms.

“In the circumstances it is unlikely that a review could commence in the first half of 2011,” Giudice says

“Any review of modern award wages and conditions for employees to whom training arrangements apply should take into account the other elements of the relevant regulatory framework.”

In a written submission to Fair Work Australia last year the panel’s chairman, Jim McDowell, recommended the wage review be delayed so it could be informed by the panel’s findings.

In his submission, McDowell writes that the panel will provide its final report to the Government by January 2011.

He says the seven-member panel will address skills shortages, apprentice completion rates, financing education and training, wages and payments and training costs.

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