Archive, Industry News

ACT to introduce roadside drug tests

ACT Police to be given new powers this year to test motorists for drug use

May 27, 2010

A roadside drug-testing bill is due to be legislated in the ACT this year, Chief Minister and Minister for Transport Jon Stanhope says.

The Road Transport (Drug Driving) Bill 2010 and Road Transport (Drug Driving) Regulation 2010 are designed to give police officers more power to target drug-impaired driving.

Stanhope says police will be free to conduct random drug tests to detect cannabis, methylamphetamine and ecstasy using an oral fluid screening test.

“It also gives police the authority to request a driver to undergo a blood test if they have reasonable grounds to believe the driver is affected by a controlled drug that cannot be detected by the oral fluid screening test,” he says.

“Under the new laws, people involved in road accidents will also be required to provide a blood sample for testing.”

The Bill has been released for public comment until June 24 to give Canberrans the chance to raise their concerns.

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