ABC Magazine’s Best Bus photo competition winner for May produced a wide range of excellent photos near Australian landmarks.
The third month of ABC Magazine’s Best Bus photo competition has gone from strength to strength, with plenty of entrants once again making it hard to pick a winner.
We had many finalists for the May competition and we have loved seeing a wide range of interesting and beautiful bus and coach photos!
The winner of the monthly competition will have their photo shown off on the ABC Facebook cover photo slot for the entire month, while the entrant with the most beautiful bus photo will also receive a free 12-month subscription to ABC Magazine.
When it comes to honourable mentions, Daniel Clarke was yet again worthy with a beautiful reflective photo of his Clarke’s bus right up against the water. It came very close to winning and we deem it worthy to mention Daniel for his great photography work – we’re sure a win isn’t far away!
Our other honourable mention goes to Mary Irwin for her wonderful shot of a Mount Gambier Bus Lines vehicle travelling through the region – we loved the perspective!
RELATED ARTICLE: Check out who won the April Best Bus competition
Our finalists all impressed us. Anthony Tam’s crowded street shot was eye-catching, while Dysons continues to impress with another great photo of a Dysons line-up. Lastly, Rick Irwin’s ANZAC Day bus was timely and involved a striking exterior. Well done to all!
Yet our winner certainly deserved it with an array of wonderful photos. Alongside some striking shots of buses under Sydney Harbour Bridge and near the Devil’s Marbles, Marcus Oaten has taken out the third instalment of Best Bus with this shot of a Scania K490EB Coach Design vehicle alongside the Devils Marbles in Central Australia.
The coach is a Deluxe Coachlines vehicle and was bought in 2017 – with a fleet number of 316, it was the first of five brand new Scania/ Coach Design vehicles.
It comes with 49 seats with all the expected trimmings and was captured right next to the Devils Marbles while on its way to Darwin to commence a tour of Central Australia.
Check out the winning photo below and get ready to begin submitting your best photos for when Best Bus opens again next week with its May competition!