Best Bus

ABC launches bus photo of the month competition

Have you ever wanted to show off your bus or coach? Now is the chance as ABC launches its Best Bus competition to appreciate the many great vehicles in Australia.

From the bus lovers to the industry members, we’re all unified by a love for striking buses and coaches. Once you’re involved in the industry, it’s difficult to not notice the beautiful vehicles that pass by on roads or sit waiting for their next service.

Whether it be the vintage or the brand new bus, ABC is today launching a new competition to celebrate the best-looking buses around Australia and beyond.

The ABC Best Bus competition will recognise the most eye-catching bus photo each month from anyone in the industry, starting in March.

The winner of the monthly Best Bus photo competition will have their photo shown off on the ABC Facebook cover photo for the entire month, while the entrant with the most beautiful bus photo will also receive a free 12-month subscription to ABC magazine.

RELATED ARTICLE: ABC Issue 425 – Out Now!

It’s not all about the winner. A range of finalists will also have their bus photos included in each month’s edition of ABC magazine to appreciate the many wonderful vehicles that journey on Australia’s roads.

Get involved now! It’s as simple as sending a good quality photo of your bus or coach to ABC’s Facebook page via Messenger or in the comments section.

If you would rather email your photo in, send it off to in order to have your photo considered for the ABC Best Bus monthly competition.

We look forward to seeing the many amazing buses and coaches that make Australia’s industry as wonderful as it is!

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