Best Bus

ABC announces Best Bus winner for July

The winner of ABC’s Best Bus competition for July sums up the current cold snap many in Australia are currently rugging up for

This month’s edition of the ABC Best Bus competition took a twist as winter set in for many in Australia and some different shots started coming through.

Instead of the lovely array of summer and autumn photos we’ve received in past months, it was a couple of winter snaps that stood out and suited the time of year best.

The stand out in this genre came courtesy of Nathum Munroe and the team at Alpine Spirit and their photo of a frozen over coach in the snow.

The winner of the monthly competition will have their photo shown off on the ABC Facebook cover photo slot for the entire month, while the entrant with the most beautiful bus photo will also receive a free 12-month subscription to ABC Magazine.

As always, there were plenty of great photos that deserved honourable mentions for their wonderful bus and coach features!

Crown Coaches’ Daryl Kirkwood submitted a folder of wonderful photos for July that were all stunning, but his shot of a Crown Melbourne Boomers service courtesy of a Mercedes-Benz/ BCI coach on rural Victorian roads nearing sunset was absolutely stunning and very close to taking out the competition.

RELATED ARTICLE: ABC Best Bus competition opened for July

A different part of Aussie culture was on display from Mitchell Bruce, who submitted a range of photos of Down Under Tours in various landmarks. The aerial photo of a Down Under coach by a waterfall was standout.

The team at ABC also loved Samuel Love’s shot of a Mercedes/ Volgren bus arcing around a round-about in Bunbury!

But the winner definitely summed up the winter chill we’ve all been feeling as Alpine Spirit embraced the freezing time of year!

Midway through the month, Nathum Munroe sent through a photo of a frozen over Alpine Spirit coach stuck in the snow. From the frost covering the front windscreen through to the way it engulfed the rest of the vehicle, it made for a stunning photo and is a deserved winner of July’s Best Bus competition.

Munroe is one of Alpine Spirit’s more experienced snow drivers and he moved quickly to snap the photo of one of the first Volvo B12s sold in Australia while it was covered in ice.

“The same bus also does work in Darwin and Central Australia,” Alpine Spirit owner Chris Bonacci told ABC.

“We’re used to this happening to buses. On that day it was about -7 degrees on Mt Hotham, but it’s such a popular bus among our drivers for how it still continues to work each and every day.”

Check out the winning photo below!

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